A Simple Solution to Reshape Your Nose

June 1, 2023 | Injectables

Non-surgical Nose Job: A Simple Solution to Reshape Your Nose

A standard nose job (rhinoplasty) often involves a delicate surgery, breaking and resetting of facial bones, and post-surgery bruising, swelling, and discomfort. In some situations, these maneuvers are necessary to get a good result. but in more simple situations, an office procedure with minimal downtime can fix the appearance of your nose.

What Is a Non-surgical Nose Job?

A Non Surgical Nose job can also be referred to as a “liquid Nose job”. This is when facial filler which is normally used to build cheek volume, or fill in and around the mouth or under the eyes, is used to correct bumps or improve the overall shape of the nose. The procedure is done in the office, takes about 30 minutes and does not require general anesthesia.

What Changes Can Be Made to the Nose?

The nose can be made to look more narrow and elegant in some cases. In other cases, the filler can help to disguise a hump or divot on the nose. If there are minor asymmetries of the nose, the filler can be uses to correct that as well.

Is It Permanent?

Depending on what filler is used, results can last several months to years. It is important to discuss the difference in fillers with your plastic surgeon to decide on one that gives you the result you want.

What Is I Already Had a Nose Job?

The “liquid nose job” can be useful in cases of secondary rhinoplasties – meaning the patient has already had a nose job and over time the shape of the nose has changed, or areas appear smaller, irregular, or “pinched”. In these cases, a small amount of filler can be used to build up area that looks collapsed, bumpy, or asymmetric. It is a lot less expensive then going back for another surgery.

Who Should Do My Liquid Nose Job?

Restrictions on who can inject are relatively loose, and there are many people who may offer “liquid nose jobs” who are not board certified plastic surgeons or facial plastic surgeons. The nose is a very complex structure, and if the filler is injected incorrectly, it can cause damage to the skin or nasal cartilage, or even cause blindness. If your doctor is not trained in rhinoplasty surgery, I do not recommend letting him or her perform a “liquid nose job” because they may not fully understand anatomy or be able to deal with problems should they occur.

Interested in a Non-Surgical Nose Job? Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Emily Clarke-Pearson!