July 10, 2023 | Injectables

Botox is one of the most popular treatments for a variety of reasons, but there are still a few misconceptions about what it does and does not do, and who are the best candidates for use. Only you and Dr. Sullivan know if Botox is right for you — but before you get to that step, we can help dispel some of the myths out there! Here are four of them:

MYTH: The Best Time for Botox Is When the Lines Appear. False.

If you can get ahead of the game, it may help you in the long run. Botox is being used more and more frequently by people trying to do preventative treatments. Waiting until lines become etched into the skin means it’s much more difficult to smooth their appearance again. Botox is often used for lines and wrinkles formed by muscle movements like scowling, squinting, and raising eyebrows. Often by starting Botox preventatively, people and their muscles can actually learn to not make certain faces and expressions and contribute to worsening their lines. By not making certain expressions in the future, or making them less often, you may actually need less Botox or need it less often.

MYTH: If You Stop Getting Botox, It Will Make Your Wrinkles Worse. False.

They’ll just go back to the way they were before. Botox will prevent your wrinkles from worsening while you keep up with your treatments. If you decide to stop having Botox treatments, you will slowly lose the relaxing effect of Botox and will resume the normal development of wrinkles with movement. Botox will not make wrinkles worse. And remember, Botox results are not permanent. Botox results last typically last three to four months. For those who get injected at regular intervals over time, however, the results can sometimes last a little bit longer, since the muscles have been immobilized for a long period and can atrophy. That said, once Botox use is discontinued, they will slowly return to how they were initially, prior to treatment.

MYTH: Botox Is Just for Wrinkles. False.

Botox is not just cosmetic. Botox injections have been used to treat migraines by reducing muscle tension and creating less strain on the nervous system. Botox can also be used to temporarily block sweat glands to stop excessive sweating, and even might help patients who suffer from depression.

MYTH: Botox Is Only for Women. False.

Men who might have scoffed at the idea of cosmetic procedures just a decade ago are now finding the treatments appealing—in record numbers. The journal Cosmetic Dermatology reports that the number of American men getting Botox has soared 258 percent over the past decade. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, total cosmetic procedures for men rose 22% from 2000 through 2012. So what gives? Why are men joining women in wanting to preserve that youthful glow? Many men have discovered that whether they’re job-hunting, entering the dating scene, or just trying to stay competitive in a world that places increasing emphasis on youthful vitality, they may need a little help to look younger. And with no downtime, Botox is an easy treatment option for men on the go.