Advanced Mini Facelift

October 3, 2023 | Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

A mini facelift is designed to improve moderate facial aging in the mid face, jawline and neck area. This procedure will help to re-establish facial balance, giving an overall lift to the lower third of the face.

Traditional facelift surgery treats all sections of the face. Our Advanced Mini Facelift involves a shorter recovery period than traditional facelift and can be performed under a local anesthetic. By using smaller incisions Dr. Sullivan lifts and repositions facial tissue to achieve optimal results. Once factors contributing to unwanted sagging and drooping have been eliminated, Dr. Sullivan then carefully repositions the skin using small sutures.

Candidates for Advanced Mini Facelift Surgery

The Advanced Mini Facelift procedure is appropriate for people who want to remove minor sagging or drooping around the cheeks, jowls, and neck area without undergoing more intensive surgery.

Post Surgery

After you have healed from surgery you will meet with one of our Medical Aestheticians for a complimentary skin care consultation and customized skin care treatment to discuss how to maintain results.

To find out if an Advanced Mini Facelift is for you, call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sullivan. 410-571-1280