
Labiaplasty at Sullivan Surgery & Spa

in Annapolis and Easton, MD

With one of the best female plastic surgeons in Maryland, it's easy to see why we’ve become a leader in labiaplasty surgery. Dr. Sullivan uses labiaplasty surgery to reduce the size of the labia to alleviate discomfort and improve the appearance of the labia. We see many patients who feel self-conscious about an enlarged or asymmetric labia. Some have discomfort related to an enlarged labia that makes it difficult to wear tight pants, exercise, ride a bike, or enjoy intercourse. Other patients experience vaginal looseness as a result of childbearing, trauma, or aging.

Fortunately, labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction surgery can improve both the appearance and symptoms related to oversized or asymmetric labia or clitoral hood.

After labiaplasty surgery or clitoral hood reduction, there will be discomfort and swelling for 1-2 weeks, which is controlled with prescription pain medication. This is similar to recovering from an episiotomy. Depending on your job you may be able to go back to work in as few as two or three days. Stitches dissolve on their own within a few weeks after labia reduction or clitoral hood lift surgery. You should also refrain from resuming strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks after labiaplasty or clit hood reduction surgery. The final result is seen as early as 6 weeks, although for some patients it can take 2-3 months for swelling to resolve. In most cases, the scars cannot even be seen after 4-6 weeks.

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