Breast Reduction
In Annapolis, MDBreast Surgeries at Sullivan Surgery & Spa
Insurance Guidelines
Why Have Breast Reduction Surgery?
With a reduced breast size, many women have gained physical freedom from the pain and burden of carrying excessive weight and bulk on their chests, have become more physically active, and can fit into clothing they once only dreamed of wearing. In short, breast reduction surgery by Dr. Kelly Sullivan can give you the physical and emotional relief you hope for.
When you meet with Dr. Kelly Sullivan, you won’t be rushed. She makes sure there is enough time for a thorough consultation so she can clearly understand your goals for cosmetic surgery. Her helpful and supportive staff will help guide you through the process, ensuring all of your concerns are addressed and your questions answered.

Procedure & Results
Excess fat, glandular tissue and skin will be removed and the nipple and areola will be moved into their new position. The skin will be brought together from both sides of the breast, down over the areola to shape the new, lighter breast. Breast reduction surgery takes about one to two hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure. This surgery is done on an outpatient basis with general anesthesia. Because safety is our first concern, Dr. Sullivan always works with board-certified anesthesiologists to ensure that your surgery is as safe as possible
Following your surgery, you will be able to rest in the comfort of your own home. You should expect the following results from your breast reduction surgery with Dr. Kelly Sullivan:
- Reduce breast size and correct sagging, uneven shape
- Alleviate muscular pain from carrying excessive breast weight
- Daily activities and exercise become more comfortable
- Clothes have a more flattering fit
- A better feeling about your appearance and an overall improved self-image
Recovery & Aftercare
Dr. Kelly Sullivan will give you written instructions for how to care for yourself after a breast reduction surgery. The instructions will include things like:
- Patients may experience some degree of bruising, swelling and tenderness.
- Bed rest the day of surgery is recommended.
- Limit activity for the next two days following surgery.
- Avoid strenuous activities for about one to two weeks.
- Patients can typically return to work within the first week.
- Dr. Kelly Sullivan may recommend that you wear a sports bra for a couple of weeks after surgery.
There will be some follow-up appointments with Dr. Kelly Sullivan to monitor your recovery, so be sure and keep them. With careful self-care and compliance with Dr. Kelly Sullivan’s advice, most people have a complete recovery and happy outcome after breast reduction surgery.