Eyelid Lift


Dr. Kelly Sullivan recommends Eyelid Lift Surgery for patients concerned about their excess or sagging skin above the eyelids. If the patients have fat deposits under the eyes, looking tired, angry or overly serious. Another common recommendation for eye lift surgery is loss of peripheral vision due to droopy skin.
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eyelid lift

Procedure & Results

Dr. Sullivan will make an incision along the natural lines and creases of the upper eyelids. This enables her to remove excess skin, fat, and muscle if indicated. The incisions are then closed with very fine sutures.  The lower eyelids are usually addressed with injections of filler material into the “tear trough deformity” or shadow area under the eye.  A blepharoplasty can take from one to two hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.  Eyelid Surgery is done on an outpatient basis with general or local anesthesia. Because safety is always our first concern, Dr. Kelly Sullivan always works with board-certified anesthesiologists to ensure that your surgery is as safe as possible. Following your surgery, you will be able to rest in the comfort of your own home. You should expect the following results from your Eye Lift surgery by removing excess, puffy, sagging skin and fat deposits. Eyelid Surgery will:

  • Create a more energetic, alert, and youthful appearance
  • Eliminate the constant “tired” look
  • Restore proper visual acuity
  • Improve overall appearance and self-image

*PLEASE NOTE:The specific risks and the suitability of this procedure for any given individual can only be determined through a consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kelly Sullivan.

Recovery & Aftercare

Your Eyelid Lift surgeon Dr. Kelly Sullivan will give you written instructions for how to care for yourself after an Eyelid Lift surgery. There’ll be such things as: – Patients may experience some degree of bruising and swelling – Bed rest the day of surgery – Limited activity for the next three to five days following surgery – Avoid strenuous activities for about one to two weeks – Return to work within seven to 10 days There’ll be some follow-up appointments with Dr. Kelly Sullivan, to monitor your Eyelid Lift surgery recovery, so be sure and keep them. With careful self-care and compliance with Dr. Kelly Sullivan’s advice, most people have a complete Eyelid Lift surgery recovery and a happy outcome.

Insurance Guidelines

Blepharoplasty is usually deemed cosmetic unless the original indication for surgery was for visual field obstruction or sagging.  Our office will work with your insurance company to determine the scope of your benefits.