Ear Surgery

Procedure & Results
An Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) is commonly performed under general anesthesia for children, and local anesthesia for adults. The standard Otoplasty procedure brings the ears closer to the head and begins with an incision hidden in the crease behind the ear. This incision allows the cartilage located behind the ears to be reshaped in order to position them closer to the head. There are various surgical techniques involved in correcting irregularities other than protruding ears. These techniques can be discussed with Dr. Sullivan during the initial consultation. Otoplasty area is done on an outpatient basis with general anesthesia. Because safety is our first concern, Dr. Kelly Sullivan always works with board-certified Maryland anesthesiologists to ensure that your surgery is as safe as possible. Your Otoplasty surgery will be performed at an accredited Surgical Center. The ear surgery procedure takes approximately one to two hours, depending upon the extent of surgery. Following your Otoplasty surgery, you may recover in a medically supervised setting or in the comfort of your own home. The benefits of an ear surgery include:
- Bring proportion to the face if the ears “stick out” too much
- Correct folded ear tips (“lop ear” or “cup ear”)
- Reshape long or offset earlobes
- Enhance very small ears or other congenital defects
- Remedy an accidental injury, including the loss of an ear
Recovery & Aftercare
Insurance Guidelines
An Otoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure; therefore not covered by insurance.
*PLEASE NOTE: The specific risks and the suitability of this procedure for any given individual can only be determined through a consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kelly Sullivan.